Activity 2: Preparing Links Page for a Lesson
1. Post project instructions on the web.
The project instructions on "Creating a Biography Web Page" for the students are already provided for you here:
1. Write (copy) a lesson and link your site to it. (5 minutes)
Option 1:
Introductory unit 1.
Lesson 1. August 20, 2000. Researching an Important Person
Option 2:
The other option would be to make a link from your Links Page to the lesson instructions associated with that link. You could even write the assignment there.
2. Creating Appropriate Links on Your Links Page
2...Of course, you can also highlight the url address (http:// ).
Then Press Edit . Copy.
Then go to your Links page and type in a title.
Highlight the title and press Insert Link in the url field.
Press OK.
3. Publishing your new site.
Just drag your whole Yourname_web folder into the Teacher's Web folder, so that the old one (there) is replaced by the new one (on your computer). Let me know when it is done.
Same procedure using an FTP program at home, however, due to speed of uploading, it is better to replace only the pages or folders that your have changed.